
Your Wish Granted This Week at Juicy Stakes Casino!

Free Bets, Free Spins and a brand new arrival on offerST JOHN’S, Antigua--(BUSINESS WIRE)--They say be careful what you wish for, but it’s like...

Global Report Reveals Positive Benefits of Video Gameplay

New report outlines the social, mental and emotional benefits of gameplay according to academic research and affirmed by a survey of nearly 13,000 active...

Rand Capital Portfolio Company, OnCore Golf, Announces “First-of-its-Kind” Golf & Sports Entertainment Complex

OnCore Buffalo Will Complement Downtown and Waterfront Development ProjectsBUFFALO, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rand Capital Corporation (Nasdaq: RAND) (“Rand” or “Rand Capital”), a business development company, announced...

Reliable Mobile Networks Keep Players Connected at Pokémon GO Fest 2019 in Chicago

Global Wireless Solutions Event-O-Meter measures mobile network performance at Pokémon GO Fest 2019 in Chicago DULLES, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Global Wireless...

Nodwin Gaming in Partnership With Blink Delivers Autonomous Content Creation From Live Games

Partnership Previewed Combined Capabilities at India’s PUBG Mobile Club Open (PMCO)JERUSALEM--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Blink, the leading AI highlight clip producer, today announced that it has partnered...

Choose Your Fighter in TEPPEN, the Ultimate Card Battle Game from GungHo & Capcom

The PvP Card Battle Game Brings Fan Favorite Characters to Android and iOS DevicesEL SEGUNDO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hadoken! Enter the blazing gates of battle card...

Logitech Announces Date for Release of Second Quarter Financial Results for FY 2021

LAUSANNE, Switzerland & NEWARK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Logitech International (SIX: LOGN) (Nasdaq: LOGI) today announced that it expects to release quarterly financial results on Monday, October...

Registration for Nintendo Live 2023 Opens May 31

New Details Revealed as Fans of All Ages Are Invited To Have Fun At This Free September Event Taking Place in Downtown SeattleREDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS...

HyperX Adds New Predator DDR4 RGB and FURY DDR4 RGB Memory Modules up to...

New High-Speed and High-Capacity Additions Refresh Predator DDR4 and FURY DDR4 FamiliesFOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HyperX, the gaming division of Kingston Technology, Inc., today announced...

Warner Bros. Games Launches Mortal Kombat 1

Discover a Reborn Mortal Kombat Universe with the Latest Installment in the Acclaimed FranchiseEarly Access Available Now for Premium Editions; Pre-Order to Receive Bonus...

Capcom’s Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Wins Grand Award and Resident Evil 4 Wins Award...

Dragon’s Dogma 2 wins award in the Future DivisionOSAKA, Japan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#Capcom--Capcom Co., Ltd. (TOKYO:9697) today announced that Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak was awarded the...

Copresence Announces Launch of Its Digital Avatar Creation App on Apple App Store

Users of iOS devices can now download the copresence app from the Apple App Store to create high-quality photorealistic avatars in minutes.ZURICH, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--COPRESENCE...

Female Gamers in Asia: A Growing Demographic with Significant Market Potential –

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Female Gamers in Asia" report from Niko Partners, Inc. has been added to's offering.The report provides valuable insights into the growing...

Zynga to Discuss Second Quarter 2019 Financial Results on July 31, 2019

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Zynga Inc. (Nasdaq: ZNGA) today announced it will report its second quarter 2019 financial results on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, at approximately...

PLAYSTUDIOS Automates Earnings Calls with The World’s First Entirely AI-Generated Financial Results Presentation

The Company Embraces the Technology by Utilizing Advanced Generative AI to Construct the Script, and Voice Cloning to Deliver the Executive RemarksLAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PLAYSTUDIOS,...

Logitech Announces Date for Release of First Quarter Fiscal 2020 Results

LAUSANNE, Switzerland & NEWARK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Logitech International (SIX: LOGN) (Nasdaq: LOGI) today announced that it expects to release quarterly financial results on Monday, July...

Higround and The Pokémon Company International Invite Fans to Explore Fan-Favorite...

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In a new and special collaboration, Higround, a powerhouse within the lifestyle and gaming spheres, is teaming up with The Pokémon Company...

Jazwares Acquires Australian Toy Distributor Big Balloon

SUNRISE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jazwares, a leading global toy company, today announced it has further expanded its global presence with the acquisition of Big Balloon, Australia's...

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