
Nintendo’s Plans for E3 2019 Include Nintendo Direct, Competitions, Nintendo Treehouse: Live

New Warp Pipe Pass Will Reduce Waiting Times for Attendees REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nintendo has outlined its plans for the E3 2019...

Global Promo Partners Catch POKÉMON Fever as Anticipation Ramps up for the Big-Screen Debut...

BURBANK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Global retail giant 7-Eleven and a full team of powerhouse brands led by Burger King, Delta Air Lines, Pillsbury, Menchie’s...

Nintendo News: Nintendo Announces Tetris® 99 Big Block DLC and Upcoming 3rd MAXIMUS CUP

REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Starting today, Tetris® 99 offers paid DLC that allows players to enjoy two new modes, both of which...

Bob Iger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Walt Disney Company, to Speak at...

BURBANK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bob Iger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS), will participate in a question-and-answer session at...

Tilak Healthcare Announces Exclusive Partnership for Co-Promotion with Novartis France

To promote OdySight, a digital solution to optimize visual monitoring of patients with chronic eye diseases PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tilak Healthcare,...

iGlass USA inc to Demonstrate its Giant-Screen Ultra-High-Quality Near-Eye Display XGlass at SID, AWE,...

MILPITAS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--lt;a href="" target="_blank"gt;#ARlt;/agt;--iGlass USA inc announces it will demonstrate its sub-$300 ultra-high image quality XGlass to the public,...

Allied Esports Enters Latin American Market with TV Azteca for Debut of Live Original...

U.S. Squad Featuring Fatal1ty, Avori, Miccoy and Vegas to Face Mexican Game Lobby of 40 Players in PLAYERUNKNOWN’S ...

MapleStory Fest Brings Sold Out Spectacle to Los Angeles

Fans rejoice for exciting updates for MapleStory and MapleStory 2 LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--lt;a href="" target="_blank"gt;#MapleStorylt;/agt;--Around 500 fans came together to celebrate...

Immersion and Sony Interactive Entertainment Enter into Licensing Agreement for Advanced Haptics

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Immersion Corp. (NASDAQ: IMMR), the leading developer and licensor of advanced touch feedback technology, today announced that it has...

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Reports Strong Results for Fiscal Year 2019

GAAP net revenue grew to $2.668 billion GAAP net income increased to $2.90 per diluted share GAAP net cash provided...

G5 Releases New Match-3 Puzzle Jewels of Rome for Worldwide Pre-Order

STOCKHOLM--(BUSINESS WIRE)--G5 Entertainment announces the availability of the pre-order for its new free to play Match-3 puzzle, Jewels of Rome, in the...

GameWorks Earns Two Stevie® Awards in 2019 American Business Awards®

Management and Leadership Recognized for New Company Trajectory and Renewed Path to Growth SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--lt;a href="" target="_blank"gt;#GWesportslt;/agt;--GameWorks, ...

Celebrate 15 Years of WoW® with the Release of World of Warcraft® Classic™ on...

All World of Warcraft subscribers receive the authentic re-creation of the game’s pre-expansion experience at no additional cost ...


Living rooms worldwide are being invaded May 14th via Kickstarter TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--TAITO Corporation (TAITO®), the creator of SPACE INVADERS...

Global Gaming Hardware Market Outlook to 2025 by Gaming Platform, Product Type, End-user and...

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Gaming Hardware Market: Global Industry Analysis, Trends, Market Size, and Forecasts up to 2025" report has been added...

ThunderCore Delivers on Founder’s Vision of Building the Fastest Growth Blockchain Platform for Gaming,...

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--lt;a href="" target="_blank"gt;#blockchainlt;/agt;--BLOCKCHAIN WEEK - At blockchain conference Consensus 2019, Silicon Valley-based public blockchain platform provider ThunderCore announced...

Higround and The Pokémon Company International Invite Fans to Explore Fan-Favorite...

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In a new and special collaboration, Higround, a powerhouse within the lifestyle and gaming spheres, is teaming up with The Pokémon Company...

Jazwares Acquires Australian Toy Distributor Big Balloon

SUNRISE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jazwares, a leading global toy company, today announced it has further expanded its global presence with the acquisition of Big Balloon, Australia's...

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